Cerere Demisie 2018
Modele de cereri de angajare, de concediu, cerere de demisie cu sau fara preaviz, de invoire, de divort si multe alte modele de cereri tip oficiale. Zee tamil tv serials online semparuthi. Model cerere incetare contract prin demisie Dreptul salariatului de a demisiona dintr-un post, fara a fi nevoit sa motiveze decizia, este prevazut la articolul 81 din Codul muncii. Ca act unilateral de vointa al salariatului, demisia se comunica angajatorului printr-o notificare scrisa.
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2019-05-31 11:10:11 | D0C's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-30 21:10:07 | BVLGARI's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-30 20:41:53 | V1PER was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 6) after 64 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-29 22:10:11 | VLAD's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-29 18:10:10 | RoIex's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-29 16:50:51 | RaCa [user:4875] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-29 16:43:18 | Werex was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 110 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-29 12:31:21 | WildSpirit was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 4) after 40 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-29 12:10:08 | Win21's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-28 23:10:08 | clauadv's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-28 22:01:28 | .Luca was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 52 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-28 20:17:02 | Andrei.M left faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 4) after 41 days using /quitgroup, with 40 FP. |
2019-05-28 20:17:02 | Andrei.M left faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 4) after 41 days using /quitgroup, with 40 FP. |
2019-05-28 16:05:32 | schuby. [user:27659] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-28 11:10:21 | Zinnyo's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-27 22:10:06 | Cosmaw0w's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-27 21:10:08 | Connecticud's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-27 21:10:08 | DaniBM's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-27 20:10:06 | Raary's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-27 15:10:02 | [nG]Pain's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-26 23:10:12 | Mave.'s faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-26 17:37:01 | Tekashi69 got an faction warn from EveliN. (1/3 |
2019-05-26 17:10:08 | Taximetristul's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-26 16:23:09 | ExTREam4iK [user:74449] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-26 15:00:01 | Allecs. was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 71 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-26 14:10:21 | Odysseu's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-26 14:10:21 | TTH's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-26 13:10:03 | Elekktr0's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-26 11:10:12 | Tulent's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-25 22:10:02 | INVICTUS's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-25 18:10:04 | Necrow's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-25 16:10:10 | KiPPER's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-25 12:10:05 | ItsGreen's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-24 19:10:03 | MihaiCatalin's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-24 17:06:58 | DoamnaMischie [user:82935] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-23 21:10:22 | BVLGARI's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-23 12:10:07 | RTG's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-22 22:10:10 | VLAD's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-22 18:10:12 | Roiex's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-21 23:02:25 | clauadv [user:98174] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-21 20:35:55 | AwRR was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 62 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-21 20:31:44 | KIZARU was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 45 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-21 17:10:10 | EcsTazzy's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-20 21:10:05 | iLuciaN's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-20 21:10:05 | Connecticud's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-20 20:49:16 | DaniBM [user:39105] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-19 17:10:08 | Taximetristul's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-19 16:10:09 | Kamski was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 84 days, with 0 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. |
2019-05-19 13:57:16 | TTH [user:19101] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-19 13:26:21 | Odysseu [user:49962] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-19 10:49:38 | tulent [user:98202] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-19 00:10:08 | .Luca's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-18 23:10:11 | Fleruty's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-18 20:10:09 | Ady.HTML.EXE's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-18 20:00:59 | Razvan77 got an faction warn from V1PER. (1/3 |
2019-05-18 15:20:37 | KiPPER [user:51248] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-18 14:10:05 | Larry27 was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 4) after 56 days, with 0 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. |
2019-05-18 12:10:08 | KIZARU's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-17 22:10:04 | WildSpirit's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-17 21:10:04 | AndReeW0W was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 3) after 35 days, with 0 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. |
2019-05-17 19:10:06 | jahseh's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-17 18:47:47 | MihaiCatalin [user:3936] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-17 18:10:11 | Tekashi69's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-17 15:10:04 | TheByeByeMan's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-16 20:20:03 | loviN1 [user:5792] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-16 18:10:04 | TROY was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 4) after 42 days, with 0 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. |
2019-05-15 21:55:33 | VLAD [user:5059] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-15 21:10:03 | Andrei.M's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-15 17:50:27 | ROiEX [user:1653] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-15 12:10:03 | Razvan77's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-15 12:10:03 | DanielN's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-14 15:10:07 | iAMALEX's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-13 22:10:06 | Cosmaw0w's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-13 20:16:45 | Connecticud [user:84537] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-13 20:10:07 | OmuCuValoare's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-13 17:35:41 | []Webber. was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 66 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-13 16:18:41 | Fr4nkAdv was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 44 days, with 0 FP. Reason: demisie |
2019-05-13 15:10:02 | [nG]Pain's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-12 23:10:11 | Mave.'s faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-12 16:44:15 | Taximetristul [user:9917] has joined the group Taxi San Fierro (invited by V1PER[user:1628]). |
2019-05-12 13:10:05 | Elekktr0's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-11 23:10:11 | Fleruty's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-11 22:10:10 | INVICTUS's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
2019-05-11 21:10:12 | zenon. was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 3) after 35 days, with 0 FP. Reason: raport incomplet. |
2019-05-11 20:10:11 | Ady.HTML.EXE's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-11 18:10:04 | Necrow's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-11 15:10:09 | Marianovsky.'s faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-11 12:10:22 | ItsGreen's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-11 11:55:46 | [].DaNy was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 46 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie |
2019-05-11 11:10:10 | Fr4nkAdv's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-10 19:11:04 | jahseh's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-10 18:10:17 | Tekashi69's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-10 15:10:07 | TheByeByeMan's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-10 11:10:05 | Miro's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-09 12:10:02 | RTG's faction rank was changed from 2 to 3. |
2019-05-08 22:10:11 | CLAME's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-08 21:10:07 | Zookie's faction rank was changed from 4 to 5. |
2019-05-08 12:10:03 | Razvan77's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-08 12:10:03 | Danieln's faction rank was changed from 1 to 2. |
2019-05-07 17:10:10 | EcsTazzy's faction rank was changed from 3 to 4. |
- «
- 1
- ..
Roles: Members, Premium, VIP
Posts: 113
Reputation: 12
Faction | Civilian |
Level | 39 (48%) |
Playing hours | 507.916 |
Activity points | 31211 |
Clan | Falcons, rank 1 |
Phone number | 2505 |
Joined | 2018-06-15 20:42:50 |
Last online | 2019-05-24 17:13:55 |
Faction Punish | 0 |
Warnings | 0/3 |
Job | Detective |
Owned skins
Model: 19053
Bone: 5
Name: watchtype15
Status: wearing
Model: 19080
Bone: 6
Name: laserpointer2
Status: wearing
Model: 19583
Bone: 5
Status: not wearing (hidden)
Model: 19060
Name: xmasorb2
Bone: 5
Status: not wearing (hidden)
Model: 18949
Name: hatbowler3
Bone: 2
Status: not wearing (hidden)
Model: 18635
Name: gtasahammer1
Bone: 5
Status: not wearing (hidden)
Model: 19039
Name: watchtype1
Bone: 5
Status: not wearing (hidden)
Model: 18947
Name: hatbowler1
Bone: 2
Status: not wearing (hidden)
- repair vehicles without 'Repair kit' (inactive)
- use /reply wihout iPhone (inactive)
- no temperature (inactive)
- free businesses entrance (inactive)
- drive vehicles without insurance (inactive)
- less honey wait time (inactive)
Ryder [3 missions]:
Home Invasion (1/3)
- Status:completed
- Requirements:driving licencepatience
- Completed times:6 (last time: 7 months ago)
Demolition man (2/3)
- Status:completed
- Requirements:flying licencehandiness
- Completed times:6 (last time: 7 months ago)
Lowrider dance (3/3)
- Status:completed
- Requirements:keyboard with numpad
- Completed times:6 (last time: 7 months ago)
Model Cerere Demisie 2018
More info [video]Model | Vehicle Name | Odometer | Age | Colours | Options |
Sandking (ID:25998) | 4831 kilometers | 221 days | display location | ||
Vortex (ID:26795) | 392 kilometers | 216 days | display location | ||
Turismo (ID:44149) VIP text: GabyOwN | 1501 kilometers | 158 days | display location | ||
Infernus (ID:44945) VIP text: GabyGay | 11688 kilometers | 156 days | display location | ||
Sultan (ID:68325) | 410 kilometers | 51 days | display location | ||
NRG-500 (ID:71447) | 411 kilometers | 46 days | display location | ||
NRG-500 (ID:76448) | 51 kilometers | 33 days | display location |
Cerere Demisie Fara Preaviz
- 31/05/2019
- 2019-04-29 23:41:26GabyOwN was uninvited by AdmBot from faction Taxi Los Santos (rank 1) after 8 days, with 40 FP. Reason: acumulare 3/3 faction warns.
- 2019-04-21 00:03:55GabyOwN was uninvited by KenTTx from faction Red Dragon Triads (rank 2) after 15 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Demisie.
- 2019-04-06 15:37:05GabyOwN was uninvited by Esy from faction Crips Gang (rank 2) after 15 days, with 0 FP. Reason: demisie.
- 2018-12-21 13:19:04GabyOwN was uninvited by Tranquila. from faction The Russian Mafia (rank 3) after 40 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie.
- 2018-11-08 19:32:14GabyOwN was uninvited by Jakowski. from faction School Instructors SF (rank 3) after 34 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Demis la cerere.
- 2018-09-30 11:53:56GabyOwN was uninvited by EveliN. from faction Taxi San Fierro (rank 5) after 43 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Cerere de demisie.
- 2018-08-15 20:44:01GabyOwN was uninvited by Hoodlumr from faction News Reporters (rank 5) after 49 days, with 0 FP. Reason: Demisie.
- Signatures